Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All you need is a little asian in you!

So now you may understand why i want an asian to have my children... Above is Chanel Iman, gorgeous to say the least. She is black and Korean. I always said that a i want my wife to be white and asian, so when we have children they'll be "perfect" so to speak. I mean, whatever kids I have will be great because they'll come from my sperm, lucky, kids they will be. But if I have a baby with a woman that is white and asian.. they get everything. They get my genes, so they'll be a Borom. They'll be white,so they can take advantage of the whole "white privilege" thing..Then they'll be asain so they should be smart and innocent(a fathers dream).. put all of this together... And you get perfection.. Boy i cant wait

25 songs of Christmas

Starting December 1st through the 25th, im going to be posting my favorite Christmas songs each day! Seeing how Christmas season is my favorite time of the year, i had to do something different!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Quote of the Day-Brown Sugar

"We're all looking for the wifey type. A woman that's fine, smart, classy... but not a snob; hella hella sexy..... but not a hoe. That's brown sugar..."

"I love her already"

So i met this girl like 2 weeks ago.... Ive know of her for years, but we just formally met a couple weeks ago. She's petite, light skinned, long hair... and a glowing personality... The things i catch her doing...when she thinks no one is looking, you cant help but smile.... She's so classy, but its not an overwhelming amount of class, that she's boring... I remember last night when i was going to pick her up, my friend was in the passenger seat, and as the girl was walking to the car, my friend said "Doesnt she look like she just got pealed right off of a magazine cover?"... I said "yep, I love her already", lol. She took the words right out of my mouth, and her beauty isnt even artificial.. (besides the hair, but who doesnt wear weave nowadays)When i saw her, she wasnt even wearing makeup and she was gorgeous. "right off a magazine cover"...
She's smart, but still clueless about alot of things. But not so clueless that im sitting there wondering if she has a brain. Its like a funny clueless. lol.

Based on my post about a year ago, you all know im not really into smokers...unless she smokes cigars, or just looks really sexy smoking(like scar...RARE)... And not only does she smoke, she smokes blacks! the worst... but i walked with her to the store, to buy some, and as we were walking back I lit it for her because i made her realize that if she burned it slowly, with a torch lighter, she'd enjoy it more. Even a black.... As I was lighting it... she caught my eye.. like the picture above above.. and i was just.. stuck. (this picture was taken by me in my sisters summer camp)

Monday, November 22, 2010

It was only just a dream....

Im looking forward to Nelly's comeback,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The last time i saw you, you ain't have no clothes on!

Home for the holidays- J. Cole

Roc Nation

Monday, November 15, 2010

Quote of the day

"You're not a hoe, you just made a hoe decision"
-J. Cole

"Jay Z and Beyonce are the cutest couple!"......FALSE!!

A friend of mine tried to argue with me about Jay z and Beyonce's relationship.... but I still think that Chilli and Usher were the best couple... Everything was so real for them.. and it all looked so genuine... even the break up....I mean, they just look like they belong together...Like two puzzle pieces.... You can see it in every picture their in together.. its all just... there...

Blame Game

Relationships have come up in a few of my recent conversations and a question that often comes up is "When was your last relationship?" I always say january.. then that follows with...How long were you all together?... Over a year in a relationship... years talking to eachother.. "what happened?!"...I then said... "God decided to stop punishing me", lol ... But after i get my laugh, i clean it up.. and explain that it was over a year of being on a boat.. and just going with the tide... and the fact of the matter is.. only one person was rowing... if only one side of the boat is rowing... wahat happens to the boat?.. it goes in circles.. so bascially.. our relation was just a big cycle... happiness.sex,rumors,tears,argue,.... then happiness... Im surprised how we survived for as long as we did..

Then she popped the question.....Do you all still talk?
Then i proceded to tell her about our relationship post break up and how a couple months ago.. i told her some of whaat i was really thinking throughout the relationship, and we havent talked since...(except she did send her condolences when my pastor died, it was appreciated... but thats it,)

Then she asked.. "well do you still think about her"

Honestly... only when provoked by conversations like these... or when i she pops up on my twitter time line.. or on my Facebook news feed.. besides that.. she's a thing of the past.. My friends know how i feel about her, so they dont bring her up, no reason to...

Ive grown up since we've split... Ive grown up since we've had our last words...I mean, the pass system was for the hoes..and ive moved on from it all..No hard feelings, if i ever see her again, which unfortunately, i know its going to happen, ill be cordial.. its whatever you know...I could sit here and play the blame game.. but im old enough to own up to my actions... Everything was as much her fault as it was mine... One of her friends told me one cay "What she did to you, tops everything you ever did to her, and if not, you all are even"... I concur... Lets call it even..

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Letter to my unborn children... Understand...

Here is something you guys must understand...

You guys were born into a very privelaged family.But you are still not above anyone. Your socio-economic status does not give you the right to treat anyone else as if they are inferior to you. You are wealthy.. at all... Your parents are... You are poor. You will have everything you need and you will be rewarded with the things you want, if you do as i say.... Live, Love, Have fun

Your Father

Letter to my unborn son.... Respect

Rule #20

Dear Son,

Recently, i was talking to your uncle Kevin. (Kevin is on of my friends, and there is a 99% chance that you'll meet him so im not going to tell you too much about him now... im going to let you find out for yourself) But anywho... he was writing a letter to someone, and he asked for my assistance. He wanted to say something. without actually saying it. I told him that the way he was doing it made him sound like a dick. Nobody likes dicks... His response was.. "But youre a dick, and people respect you"... Yeah im a dick, but im a different kind a dick. And the things i do are respectable. Thats why people respect me.... Moral of this story is.. Respect is not given, its earned... Living off of your name, will only get you so far. Eventually, you must make a name for yourself.

Your Father