Nowadays I'm watching myself grow up. Things that matter, dont matter anymore. I dont think the same anymore. the way I want to handle certain situations have changed. People that use to matter dont, and I just dont care. Im growing out of them.
A couple of my friends and I were talking the other day about who we thought we would still be friends with in the future. I pretty much had a good idea of that by the time I graduated from high school, but now its even more clear.
Im definitely not the same person I was 2 years ago.. im not even the person I was a year ago, or when I went to college. I remember when I came to college, i was always hanging out around campus, meeting a bunch of people, making moves professinally. Then second semester came, and more of that didnt really matter anymore. I went into hiding basically. I couldnt even tell you how many times I heard "Yo, where have you been?!". lol. It all got really old to me really fast. All the parties are the same, I got tired of seeing the same people. So i didnt...
I use to be all about money. Money Money Money. When I came to college, i began shedding that mind. I began to realize how insignificant it was. Now im working on giving back. Im working on giving scholarships, and even more than that, im giving time. My first week back from school I got a bunch of high school students together, and I got several of my friends together to discuss the first year experience. People arent really doing that, so students go in blind, or naive. Thats when they either drop out after the first year, become a hoe, or both. lol. But that was fun though, i enjoyed myself, my panel enjoyed it, the students and parents did as well.
This was an extremely random post.. im sure you can tell though...