Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why trying to please people sucks!!

See, the issue isn’t the ‘please everybody’ part.

The real issue comes right before that. The ‘try’ part.

When you’re trying to please other people. When you’re trying to make people like you. When you’re reacting to others… you’re not staying true to yourself.

You’re not being real.

And people can feel that. And it gives them the frikken heebie-jeebies.

When do you try to make people like you? When you want something from them.

And trying to make people like you doesn’t just mean supplicating – ya know, buying them stuff, trying to impress and doing what they want.


Trying to make people like you goes deeper than that.

Every time you don’t do what you want. Every time you don’t do what you feel. Every time you censor that inner awesome… you’re living for others instead of yourself.

Sure, you might get some validation but deep down, way deep down, beyond all your BS excuses and rationalisations, deeper than the need for approval and control and all that stuff, deep deep deep down, you know that you’re not being real and you’re not being true to yourself.

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