Sunday, January 31, 2010

Taking sleep more seriousy

For thepast few weeks i have been extremely tired at all times of the day, no matter how early or late i get to sleep. Want to be able to do more during the day? Missing just a few hours of sleep every night for a week will give you the workaday cognitive ability of someone who just chugged five beers: You'll be as dumb as the night before, but not nearly as happy. With the help of Harvard Medical School's Charles Czeisler, here is our guide to sleeping—and working—better.
6 to 7:30 a.m.
When your alarm clock goes off, don't hit the snooze button. If you regularly super-snooze, that means you're probably sleep deprived. The average 35-year-old needs seven to eight hours of solid shut-eye. A college freshman needs eight to nine. An octogenarian can get by on four to five.

7:45 a.m.
Don't do anything important. For the first quarter hour every morning, your brain is capable of operating a toothbrush and not much else.

9 to 11 a.m.
If you consider yourself to be a morning person, this is when your brain is most primed for work. Don't waste it on

3 p.m.
You'll get drowsy now, but wait it out. Why? We get by on natural alertness for the first eight hours we're awake, and then our brain injects us with energy to get us through another eight.

4 p.m.
If you're not feeling it, avoid Starbucks. Caffeine only blocks the neural receptors that tell your brain it's time to knock out—it doesn't cancel thoughtdulling fatigue.

5 to 7 p.m.
If you're a morning person, your brain is a shriveled instrument. Ditch that project and curl up under the desk.

11 p.m.
Turn off the TV and the computer. Bright light before bed throws off your brain rhythms.

11:30 p.m.
Daytime mental performance is about spending one-third of your life asleep, and the best way to get quality REM is to pick a bedtime—and stick to it.—Trent Macnamara


Gina Trapani, the founding editor of productivity blog, offers her two fail-safe rules for spending less time in your in-box.

1. Ignore the Grapevine
We gossip about the office over e-mail. We complain about our colleagues over e-mail. A little back-and-forth isn't a bad thing. But if you're truly busy, just don't respond.

2. Shut It Down
E-mail should not be the heartbeat of your workday. Close the screen. Check it three or four times. There's no trick other than doing it. If it's important, they can call you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Great words....

Everything begins and ends with our own individual behavior.

When we are honest with our emotions, however dark they may be,
we invite others to be real and to face their own pain.
And then real transformation can occur – that’s how we are going to fix this planet.

But when we suppress, when we are fake, we send a message out to others
that they need to be fake too and hold in their truth.
This is how things will remain the same.

Today, be real. You don’t need to be anyone else but who you are.
Being honest helps the rest of us find our truth.

- Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I think im cool...

Everybody talks, and everybody listens, but somehow the truth always comes up missing. The anthem of my life. I sometimes think that my life will be much much easier if people didnt talk about what they didnt know. But its cool, everythings cool now. Everyone thinks we are talking, who cares now, its not like i can go around to everyone and set the record straight, so ill let them think. And its crazy, once she got caught up in her own thoughts one day and said "I feel like im replacing her"... I had to stop her dead in her tracks and let her know that she would never do such a thing, often times i think that no one will....

Today she said,"I dont think your girlfriend likes me too much".. Yeah, she still calls you my girlfriend. She said "I think she thinks that we're talking or something, and her friends are always mean mugging me". And after telling her again for the 100th time that we arent together anymore, All i could say was "O really", and keep going. Ironically, as soon as she finished her statement, we walked around the corner and saw you standing there with all the girls that have probably been giving her the dirty looks. Lol, Realizing that I had no choice but too keep walking, i just kept going hoping you wouldnt turn around. But you did.. lol. Then Destini comes over yelling at me about how "she knows that im not trying to talk to the girl, but it really isnt helping that we keep being seen walking together." Sorry Destini. lol.

I did alot of thinking and dreaming today. I kept thinking about what bothered me about the situation. Tried not to look at you much, too bad im going to be in a class with you for an hour and 15 minutes tomorrow, more starting out he corner of my eye it will be, lol. I admitted it. I found a new locker to put my coat in, so you dont have to worry about that anymore. Thanks to the new addition to the crew Matt. I also thought about your choices of people to spill your heart out to. You chose the girl out of al the guys, he guy that we would rather not have him be a guy, but no one really wants to tell him, so I just act like i tolerate him. I mean, i know that you had to talk to someone about what was going on, but why him? Why not, Brandon! or Menelik! or Destini!! Cool people, and they dont tell all your business. Im still trying to get Destini to spill about what you all talk about. (yeah, i still ask her about you). I thought about prom? Oddly, are we still going together, i doubt it. just a thought though. lol. I thought about my book, I wonder if youre still reading? I wondered if you'd reply if I text'd you. Doubt it, decided not to waste my time. I thought about what id write on this site knowing that youd read it all evetually. Alot of what ifs, alot of maybes, alot of wondering. I almost started to straighten up my room knowing that it was tuesday and that special day wednesday was approaching, but then i remembered that you wont be coming over anymore. I thought about what was next. So i think im cool, as long as i dont look. As long as I keep acting like I dont care.

No im not done....

Last week, it was planning our last time, this week that was a dream. LAst week when people asked if we were ok after the break up, Id say "Yeah we're cool, just like old times", this week i say "Eh, i guess, we dont really talk much"

I cant figure out whats bothering me though, its not the break up, because i never really thought it was a bad idea. Maybe it was the fact that things changed so quickyly, and i had no control over it. Its like shes the dealer and im the card counter in atlantic city(for those who dont know, its hard as hell to count cards in atlantic city, as soon as the dealer suspects youre counting, he'll swith the deck, or just add another to throw the count off) Thats whats happenning, once i get confrotable, the deck is switched, After a blackjack player realizes that counting cards isnt going o work out in that casino, he leaves. But thats not the point, yeah im leaving, but....

Thats not the point. Im trying to figure out what bothers me about the situation. Will i miss the nagging? Not at all. The accusations? Nope. Could it be the days not knowing what was wrong? I dont need that(rule #3). Maybe its the good morning text? I could probably program my computer to text me everyday. OR maybe its the little stuff? The stuff that seemed extremely insignificant at the time, but actually made it all worth while. The smile, the nose, the lips, the hug, the ability to text you at anytime of the night and youd reply because you never went to sleep. I could ask any question and youd be honest. We would sit and talk for hours about random people and come to conclusions about their personalities. Weird Uh. But s even more weird, not too long ago, around the same time i found out that i was "talking to the other girl", i find out that i "tried to talk to a girl" that looked like a fish, her and I sat there and discussed this girl for an hour, trying to recreate her face.. Then I tried to talk to her, that is an insult. Bridgette, ok she's cute. But Gabby? What?!

Rules of the road....

No.. UNfortunately im not about to give a driving lesson. The road in this case is actually a relationship. There are some rules in a relationship that must be followed in order to have a successful one. Any relationship.... Now along with a little friend of mine, we put together a few. She calls it the most important 2, but of course, I had to throw my own number 1 in there. BUt here they are...

1. Don't ever doubt
2. Dont ever lie
3. Dont hide anything

Ill speak on each of these in 3 separate post, but since it was on my mind, thought id get the ball rolling.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mastering Love...

I’ve spent the last few hours contemplating love, dysfunction and the relationship between the two. Does the absence of love breed dysfunction? That question leads to several other questions, such as “what is love?” It’s an age-old question that I’m not equipped to answer with absolute certainty at this point (maybe another post), but I know that the two don’t comfortably co-exist, and yet so many operate in a constant state of dysfunction but try to invite love in and see no positive results. It’s both amazing and amazingly sad.

After a failed romantic endeavor, I spent days wondering about my ineptitudes, which–aha!–didn’t improve anything.But once I got back to reality was able to sift through all the many lessons, I found this:

* How you love yourself is how you’ll love others.
* Being able to love others only truly happens when you love yourself.

*At some point, you’ll have to sort out your past messes and make new agreements with yourself about what you believe to be true, and work for you.
* Then, you’ll have to change the way you behave to support those new agreements.
* Change doesn’t always happen as fast as we’d like.
* People are constantly projecting their ideas of you/themselves/life/etc. See past the illusion.
* If you keep attracting crappy people into your life…the common denominator is you.
* There’s a chance that all our problems could be solved if we loved ourselves more.
* Self-love is a neverending quest; even at the destination, there is more journey.

I learned quite a bit more, but I’ll save that for the round table! (lol Destini). One of my most recent discoveries, judging by the state of the world, I’m going to say that there’s so much brokeness that even mangled concepts of love are accepted and flourishing.But today I challenge you to ask yourself this question and be brutally honest with yourself. Is your love love? Was it? Denial will only serve the dysfuction, not the love.

Love’s in need of love today. And so are we. Dont let go of something you cant go a full day without thinking about.

Enjoy Life, Dont look back...

So after spending an hour, thinking and writing that last post, i had to follow with something better..

Enjoy life. Every minute of it. Parts of the journey will be tough, but they will just be a part. Parts will be lonely, but those moments are just stretches in time.

There are ups and downs and both are necessary to develop us into the people we are to become; we’re all works in progress. So many of us are so so fearful of the imminent challenges, so we don’t live, but trust yourself. Trust your body, trust your instincts. Pay attention to yourself. Pay attention to your body. Know who you are, how you feel, how you react to certain situations…you can’t change anything in life until you recognize what’s what.

These were my thoughts this evening. Now’s the time to be great. There are times when I slack on my mission, but I’m getting better about staying focused.

Today’s my day, and although I should do it every day, I really like to think about the people who enrich my life on a daily basis.

Break up to make up.... or not...

I recently changed my facebook status to a quote from a Drake song that says "Everybody talks, and everybody listens, but somehow the truth always comes up missing?... Its crazy how real this guy is and you cant help but listen to his songs over and over again. Thats why so far gone was my favorite album of the year... And it wasnt even a real album!

But.... Break up to make up... HaHa, jokes on me this time!! I cant help but laugh and move.... So the girl that ive been writing about for the past year is no longer my girlfriend. The harsh reality we must face. Although it wasnt always like this.. Actually, we broke up on some great terms. Friends.. Laughing, hanging out, playing the game(i won this time)..We said that we would be best friends, and tell each other everything, lol...This little friendship went on for roughly 2.5 days theeeennnn.....

Everybody start watching, everybody start talking, and she just sat there and listened... as always.... And the truth came up missing. So story is.. that not even a full week after me and this girl broke up from a 15 month relationship, im supposedly talking to this other girl. I tried to tell her it wasn't like that, as always.. But of course, it was my word against everyone elses..They always won. But thats neither here nor there. Yeah, im with this girl alot I guess. Actually, its a funny story how it all started, turns out, we have always taken the same route everywhere, i just never paid attention to it, until she pointed it out. Ok, so now im walking to a couple classes with her, im seen with her, and not too long after.. You know how high school is.. Word travels fast, and the story seems to change with every person who is told. So from me walking down the hall with her, now it gets to her that im talking to the girl? What? Am i now? Well thanks for the new info on my life.. I guess

Usually we talk everyday, we laugh we joke.. But as the week went on... I noticed that we were talking less and less. So i talked to her about it. of course she denied it, but i think ive got it figured out. She is kicking me out of her life for good. It looks like she wants to exchange as little words with me as possible. She says she wants to be friends, but her actions say, "get the hell out of my life, i regret teh day i met you, but thanks for the life lesson". Its crazy. I understand that she had to get over me at some point because we were no longer together. And i understand that she had to let go a bit. But all im seeing is the dominos falling starting with a little rumor about me and a girl. Yep, the girl ive been in love with for 5 years..(5 years into eternity?) Is kicking me out of her life. Funny thing is.. a week ago we were talking about what would happen if one of us just cut the other off... Last week it was a joke, LOL, today its reality... It was like in the notebook!!! When they were younger they would always argue,and gith, but not too long after they wold be laughing and joking again.. Thats how we were, i guess time never really healed all her internal wounds, but on the surface eventually she was alright. and we'd be laughing and talking again. But this is not a movie.... Before.. We'd break up, not talk for a while, see each other and fall in love all over again. That was then....

At one point, i could look into her eyes and see a hidden smile, a hurt little girl, and love that would last forever. But now when i look into her eyes. i just see hurt, despite, hatred..All that staring back at me... For the first time in my life, i can't when this game. There are no cheat codes, there is no restart button, no rematch, there is no way i can delete the memory and start over. Its done. I lose, game over. Im going to have to put the controller down, let it go, last time?? Maybe illl glance at the videos we made over the past year, lol. Too bad they were only of us during intimate moments. Unfortunately i dont have any of her smiling, laughing, staring back at me with those little eyes filed with love and hope. Thats what i think ill miss the most..

You always told me that i say one thing and do another. And my actions speak louder than my words. Well you say that you want to be friends, but your actions tell me otherwise. So today, Ill let it go. The helium filled balloon is leaving my hand. gone with the wind. Ill stop texting, ill stop asking you to do stuff(although i still want that peanut butter and jelly sandwich i was promised). I think ill just bring my own cologne, and pray that mine is stronger than the marijuana that fills my locker.....You're going to have to wait for that though, i need to air it out first, lol.

Farewell my love. "i love you" for how long? "forever and ever and ever and ever and ever." lol. Yeah... So i guess we're here..... Forever has come and the love that you had for me has faded away.....

If you ever need me though, im here, you have my number. Dont be afraid to call, text, see if im still alive.

Enjoy life, don't look back.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jordan and Mars #5

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Break up, to make up.... Or not???

Coming Sooooonnnn....

Monday, January 18, 2010

I love these shoes... and Ive always loved these commercials!

Friday, January 15, 2010

What's life going to be??....

The more and more that I discover about myself and others, the more and more I become convinced that one’s life just simply comes down to “will”. As Kid Cudi says,” it’s as simple as that for your simple ass”… But on another note.., I’m really feeling the his album and I don’t even smoke!!!

Getting back to the point, one’s “will” is more powerful than most people think or even can imagine. There are countless examples of great accomplishments that were achieved by someone just making a total commitment to whatever their “I will _____” was.

Life is really just that simple. I would even say that everyone’s life after the age of about eleven or twelve is a clear reflection of their WILLs and WILL NOTs…Right???

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Hidden Joy in writing....

So recently I started back writing the story that i began some time ago. I think i stopped writing becasue i lost the enthusiasm, or maybe I was too busy. But now that im back writing, i remember how good it felt to do it. I remember how much fun I had thinking of the story, and analyzing the different characters, and I enjoyed having the power to manipulate every aspect of the story... from beginning to end. I enjoyed being able to install personalities into each character, and secretly putting people from my daily life into the story. From the random girl i saw in teh hall way, to my girlfriend, to my many mentors and idols. Chapter 6 and counting... Where to now?

Rules: Building Your Business Wardrobe Style:

I thought it would be nice to post some tips on building the ultimate business wardrobe.

Rules: Building Your Business Wardrobe Style:

Friday, January 8, 2010

By popular Demand..... My Favorite mixtape of 2009

Without a doubt one of the biggest break out artists of 09 with a "SUCCESSFUL" mixtape that was more talked about then most album's, and two tracks off of it that made it to a high spot on the charts and is nominated for 2 Grammys.HOw many artist do you know that can say that they are nominated for 2 Gammys without even dropping an ALBUM! This is the mixtape of Young Money's own Drake with "So far gone

Click here to Download the mixtape!

Words by Og Mandino

“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain,
not to shrink into a grain of sand.
Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all
and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.”

- Og Mandino

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

APC: You Want this stock

For most brokerage firms, the goal is to beat the S&P. With this stock could probably do it for you. It has beat the &P consatnly over the decade and I can tsee this trend changing at all, especially looking at the rising demand for petroleum. ere is a video of Anadarkos CEO;Jim Hackett, as he answers the burning questions about natural gas.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reality Check

This is a great little piece by a Junior, at Kenwood Academy of chicago,il, by the name of Anthony Johnson, Anthony appeared a few times before when I featured his photography on the site. Definately a multi talented individual, read/ comment/ give some feedback. I spoke with Anthony a few days ago and he wants to release a mixtape this year so if i were you id definitely be looking out for that.. Enjoy...

Reality Check

I am that lyrical, indiviual,
poetry oozes through the crevices of my mental,
the usage of any writing utensil,
pen or pencil,
I've been flowing with my words since the day my mother was blessed to give birth to greatness,
and that doctor cut my umbilical,
and although I can be quizzical,
my fine job at refining lines and intertwining them with her soul,
speak to her mind,
She is,
captivated by attraction that surpasses the physical,
although she is not literal,
the complex structure of my intellect is to that of the clitoral,
I mean,
and if you are considerably too surface to understand the meaning behind that,
then consider it ambigous,
never been norm,
since the instance I was born, I've torn free of the following and instantly held my positioning as lead,
abstract thoughts intersect in my mind to present a stragetic method of success, like a game of connect,
Four, for ever will I reign the terrain of lyricists,
My brain has steadily grown from crazed to unstopablly insane,
with the ability to completely annihilate, all that decide to stand in my way,
ruthless, recklessness,
the same once displayed in the lion heart of Odysseus,
I shall leave no remain,
and yes I'm,
coming to an end for now
but I will continue to preach to the lost, minds direct,
because sometimes even good people,
need reality checks.

2010.... I come in peace..

This is time of year when many of us take time to reflect and relive the year’s ups and downs. We miss our love ones who are no longer here, reminisce over our lovers from past and smile about our new ones. Although there were some decisions that we surely regret, there were also some that made us feel as smart as Einstein.

We had moments of historic proportions as well as ”more of the same”. Unfortunately there were many people that lost while a few gained when it comes to finances. I project 2010 will produce an unprecedented amount of entrepreneurs…not out of choice, but necessity.

It will pay to think outside the box when it comes to making money. Especially when you find out there’s actually a niche for your crazy idea. Here are a few of the craziest ways people are making money in this economy.

1. The Hair Trader: Jacalyn Elise co-founded an online company that lets users post ads selling their hair to the highest bidder. Recently, a bidder paid more than $2,600 for someone’s luscious locks.

2. The Hound About Dog Stroller: Never underestimate people’s ability to fawn over their pets and look ridiculous while doing it. The fine folks that make the ‘Hound About’ sell pet strollers in two different colors and sizes, at a retail price of $199. Crucially, each stroller includes a cup holder for your $5 coffee. Everyone knows that dogs just don’t lie to walk, right?

3. Bag Borrow or Steal: Created so that women do not have to endure the emotional and financial sacrifices that accompany the endless search for the “right” accessory for every event, wedding, and dinner party. Over 250,000 have joined the “Netflix for handbags,” Bag Borrow or Steal, which allows women to borrow luxury rather than forking out hard-earned funds to buy it.

4. Celeb 4 a Day: You can find out for yourself exactly what it feels like–and maybe have your servants buy you a few free drinks along the way. Celeb 4 A Day founder Tania Cowher thought it would be fun to provide the everyday person the experience of being famous. As a result of her efforts, you, too, can indulge in low-grade complaining while sipping chocotinis in your limousine.

5. I Want to Cheer Up Limited (Rent a Relative): Tokyo’s I Want to Cheer Up agency dispatches “relatives” for weddings and funerals when actual family members cannot attend. They also hire out “fathers” to help single women with their parenting duties and “husbands” to help women practice the routine of married life (except for sex).

The secret to Greatness By. Will Smith

The seeds of greatness are within you; water them.

“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time.
Your life will become better by making other lives better.”

- Will Smith


Hurt, concealing and dealing. Just barely. Earlier, while in a conversation with a friend about the true nature of humans, I mention that hurt–and yet to be healed–people are. Hurt people hurt people. It’s really simple, but recovering from the mix of all that suffering isn’t, apparently.