Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Truth: The Federal Reserve

Of all the conspiracy theories that may come up in American political discourse, there is one that requires nothing that is supernatural, or even particularly out of the ordinary. The players may only be vaguely familiar: Rockefellers, Morgans - and the Federal Reserve (whose part tonight will be played by Ben Bernanke, a PhD economist with education from Harvard and M.I.T.)

The scope is nothing short of a total underground or shadow government that directs hundreds of billions of dollars a year. But the cost of funding the operation would only be a few pennies on the dollar (quite literally).

Other conspiracies have come and gone, but the distrust of central banks has been with us for hundreds of years. The individuals involved are thought to possess incalculable wealth, and they entertain themselves with controversial social causes & international political activity. But they value their privacy and make their conclusions away from scrutiny. Some say the whole plot is so pervasive, so totalitarian, that it encompasses a massive international network. If you've been reading a while, you may have heard me brush on a few of these topics with a good bit of research & slightly more moderate skepticism.

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