Thursday, December 16, 2010

No.. I have not changed, Ive grown up..

I was with an old friend today and she said "O my god, Youve changed so much".. I then went on to explain to her that I have not changed at all, im still the same guy i was the last time you saw me. When i think of someone that has changed, then I think of someone who was acting to begin with, which makes them phony.. Im not phony. Ive grown up... i dont hold grudges, there are no hard feelings but im not dumb either .... A friend and I were talking last week after a good game of basketball. And he said something that made soo much sense to me in reference to a guy from my high school. He said "Im past the fact that he stole my money, Im past all the other snake stuff he has done to me and to the people around me. But i know that im bound to make ALOT of money in my lifetime, and because of that, I have to eliminate the snakes out of my life now, before its too late. If i let him hang around me too much, he may infect my circle of real friends, and then Im just all fucked up!"... I laughed while he was talking but when he was done, I sat back, and i was really thinking... He's right. So i mean, ill never treat someone wrong or anything like that but If i just become a little stand offish towards you, its not because im upset with you about something youve done, or anything like that.. Most likely the reason for this is that,You are probably one of the snakes in my life, and i need to do an inventory of my friends. And... you just unfortunately didnt make the cut.

I think that everyone needs to sit back and do a real inventory of your friends.. dont let one bad apple spoil the rest.

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