Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why complain...

I personally hate people that complain... its so irritating, they are always talking about what they dont have, or what they "need", or what can be done for their life to be better. What about the stuff that you DO have, appreciate those things. Some people can only dream of having the things that you have. IE a roof over your head, a car, a JOB. You can breathe without a machine. For the most part you are healthy! You can walk! There are countless people who cant say that they can do these things. And the crazy thing is.. often times, people complain, then they dont do anything about it!

You want to move, start looking, take a trip to the bank, to check out some loan options. Want a new car. do the same thing. Dont like your job? Go look for a new one, revise your resume... TAKE ACTION!!

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