Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All you need is a little asian in you!

So now you may understand why i want an asian to have my children... Above is Chanel Iman, gorgeous to say the least. She is black and Korean. I always said that a i want my wife to be white and asian, so when we have children they'll be "perfect" so to speak. I mean, whatever kids I have will be great because they'll come from my sperm, lucky, kids they will be. But if I have a baby with a woman that is white and asian.. they get everything. They get my genes, so they'll be a Borom. They'll be white,so they can take advantage of the whole "white privilege" thing..Then they'll be asain so they should be smart and innocent(a fathers dream).. put all of this together... And you get perfection.. Boy i cant wait

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