Monday, August 30, 2010

My little road dog.. where art thou?!

You want to know who i low key miss....Bridgette... Its weird,I think about her all the time. Usually just briefly, thinking about how shes doing. And ironically, Im sitting down in the quad last monday after my first day of class and this girl starts talking to me... We're having a conversation.. then i say "Im David, whats your name? "Bridgette"... lol> i just pause and look at her, then just smile.. "Whatd i do?"... Nothing, Nice to meet you bridgette.... LOL, another bridgette...

Though we had a very short lived friendship... She had a huge impact on my life for some reason. I think i want to reconnect with her sometime later in life.... hmm.. I guess we'll see.

1 week down... many more to go.

First week down. It was actually extremely easy. I was surprised. While talking to a few other people that i graduated with, they felt the same. They felt as if they werent being challenged enough. We all agree that kenwood probably over prepared us for what was ahead. We all feel as if we are the smartest people in the rooom. Hopefully itll get better. Harder.. unitl then.. im shooting for a 4.0

My psych professor reminds me alot of Mr. Scheidler, he is really.. "live" and is very passionate about what he teaches. He also thinks that he is smarter than the text book. Just like scheidler. Ironically my english professor reminds me of myself.. Very calm.. and talks in this weird monotone voice..Almost like nothing ever bothers him.. And has terrible jokes, but you laugh just because he sounde funny saying it, lol. I think ill enjoy those two calsses the most. and math is so easy its ridiculous. Ive already started not going to that class, and im already pulling an A. After 3 assignments, and 5 days of class, and me in attendance once.

Friday, August 13, 2010

What can a brother do for me.....

Man, as this day approached.. it was just like.. "whatever, ill see these guys in a couple months." But i realized that ive been with these guys every single day for a long time.. And now.. we've grown up, and it time to take this time apart.. And i dont think it really hit me until my the first friend made his departure.....

Like.. I wasnt actually there to see him go becasue i was kicking it with my other guy but... I heard, that right after they got done smoking.. he looked at his watch and said.. its time for me to go.. Then just laid his head down and broke down in tears...Which then made half the other people in the room cry as well. I wasnt in the room, but just by hearing the story, i could feel what he was going through.. Like...I truely consider these guys my brothers.. we've bcome a big family. We go nowhere alone. lol, literally,.. If you invite one of us to an event, exepct at least 3 other people to follow him in. So i think im going to go ahead and give a little spill about everyone.

First, my man Brandon, BJ... Im pretty sure that i spent more time at your house, than i did my own. lol. And your parents had to have complained at least one. NOt only that, you probably have the most giving heart out of all of us. You accepted me, tarik, and Brett into your home... and almost never said anything about it.. Thats really something... No homo, but we have shared hella good times together.. Youve been there everytime ive had a tweak moment. Like the time when we were playing 2k10 and i saw Deron williams tattoos, and was like "thats a cool tattoo".. then like 5 minutes later i was like "Why does that dude have the same tattoo as deron williams?".. then after you gave me that look.. i realized that... It was deron williams... That was just one of the many occasional tweak moments ive had. And speaking of the game... we would literlaly sit for hour playing the game until i either quit or won... Most times id quit, lol. I remember the first time you discovered David Harris.." who the hell is that that just dunked on dwight howard".. : o thats david harris"... WHo is that? "idk, he a rookie".. Then eventually you figured out that it was actually a super me.. You always said that i cheated at life, i guess in one way or another.. i do.. But hey! Ironically jenn said the same thing.. Speakign of her.. We shared some good times with them too. I remember when we first made the "transition".. lol, great night... I remember when we use to think of nick names for people to combat jade and sarah.. lol. I remember when we started calling them "Davids Angels"... Based after.. charlies angels, lol.. I was obviously charlie.. they were the angels, and you were bosley... good times.. countless good times..Adn i know that there are plenty ,more to come.. I literally spent this whole week kicking it with you. Our goal was to make every single night count! I think we did a pretty good job, and ant remember a boring night. And we ended it just the way we like to do it, with our angels.. minus amanda :(.. A night that rolled into the other. and had us trying to sleep where ever we could for the next 24hours. Fortunately ill get to sleepm but you have to drive to virginia.. sorr to hear that. lol. Man...I could go on for hours.. but i have to move on tot he others... " You gone till december, but fuck you know im gone kill em".. Had to throw that in there.. See you when you get back.

Tarik, the next big rapper man! lol, man i want you to make it as a rapper just to prove all of us wrong... Good luck... You and I have many similar thoughts. You a real soulful dude. Smart, talented.. You just need to figure out exactly what you want to do first. Then set up a time line for the rest. You can do it all. Don tlet anyone tell you differently. Do ya thing. Youve gone through hella girls. Melliisa, tweak, ayanna, alright come up.. Taylor, you tweaked again.. Dont let her get away.. then the other randoms... Melissa cramped your style... lol. Im expecting you to come back with some bad girls next summer. My girls can meet your girls, and they can all party! lol. Good Luck,, see you when you get back..

The Dream Team!

Kevin, man youre a born leader... You just have to figure that out for yourself.. I wont let you fail. If you ever need anything, i got you. The dream team " we dont lose... But we never win either".. lol.. Then the latest slogan youve coined:
High as hell
Fly as hell
Drunk as hell
Dry as hell
Summing up GHB on an average night. lol. What! kevin is going to college! and out of state! Whaaatt! lol, would have never thought.. But same thing.. Do your thing the first year... I know youll be back in the city next year. But i want you to come back on the right foot. I mean, usually, a girl loves you, then they hate you forever, lol.. dont let them add Failure to your resume.. You can do it.. Your brothers got your back.. Lets do it.

Menelik, been MIA pretty much all summer. Or maybe it just flew by so fast, lol. Hey either way... Youve been apart of some good nights too. like the time you decided that it was ok to lay in the middle of the basketball court and go to sleep? Ive known you for 6 years and counting... Youre like that bog brother that you reall cant tell anything. lol, youd say something.. and we'd say no.. "thats not right menelik". but you were the type that just had to learn the error of your ways by doing it, lol. Nice winning a couple competitions with you. Smart dude.. but in the end... Its proven, no one can write a business like i can. FREE was good, but New World was better, lol. See you for your birthday. Good luck, although i know you wont need it.

Brett Boy! Man, at first you were the oreo that all the girls loved..then you were the guy that i thought would never come back.. But youve goten back on track.. you got a job.. youre back at home, in school.. Youre good, im proud of you.. Now, i know for a fact that ill be seeing you around, because we are still in teh cit together.. be safe. See you.. Tomorrow, lol.

Terrence and Jacob.. You are are the newest additions to my circle of friends, and brothers.. Terrence ive known you for years seeing how we went tot the same church,a n we did that dance together. It was all cool, but im glad we could get ocoler. the next spike lee right? haha, I have a screen paly for you... well once i finish it.. I got you. Jacob, ive heard many stories about you prior to meeting you. but youre a cool dude... And i wont have a chance to miss you either, seeing how youre going to the University of Chicago. Although we havent talked about your future, looking at your parents, i know itll be something great. But hey, we'll have lots of time to Discuss that. We are definitely going through with the plan.. Kinda dirty, but hey... lol Just like brett.. See you... tomorrow, lol.

Matt, oo matt, i admire the fact that you hjust got to chicago, and everyone already hates you... Fuck your life, lol... Sold my shoes.. Got something for you though.. Dont take it personal.

My Brothers... Lets help eachother be the best men we can be...

Love the way you lie..

So a couple of my friends said that i should see this video. They said that eminem is still angry, but he has mae a great video!.. After watching... im going to have to agree! I like how it all falls apart, then ties back together.. almost like a movie, lol. sort of

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Angels are complete again!

(random text) Where are you?
Im at BJs, whats up?
Im outside :)
Nooooo, really?!
OMG! I want to come see you!
Then come on down!

Lol, that was a great surprise Jenn. I swear i wasnt expecting you for another couple weeks. You had us going? I mean, i can sit in a room alone with amanda and have no sexual thoughts at all. And I can talk to Scar for hours about everything. But you.... You just bring everything together! I missed you. But youre back!

Monday, August 9, 2010


But i still text you back...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Low Key...

Jesus is a cock block...

Are you really THAT cool?

Although i do hate when people insult my intelligence.... I love girls who i can just kick it with.. and not think about having sex with them.. Currently i know one person who fits that description. Cute. Great body. Great Personality. But still... i can sit ina room alone with her... and just... chill... Shes so cool..

She is THAT cool. A real friend.


I really hate when people insult my intelligence. It really pisses me off. Like when a peson looks you in the eye, and just lies and you know theyre lying. You just give them this blank stare like.. "really"... Or when it happens over a text message.. You just look at teh phone.. then look to the sky.. like "Are you serious? I know you. Why are you doing this to yourself?!"

And when i think about you thats first thing that comes to my mind!

Live it up!

So we didnt have our breakfast last week.. for one reason or another... So i decided to bring her along to accompany me to my church picnic. Along with Bj as well. We got there, they ate, we chilled. Took brandon to go play some volleyball and basketball, and while he was occupied with that... We took a little drive. Conversations are always pretty interesting... But we stopped, and she showed me her new tattoo. It was really cool. Unusual.. I actually didnt like it when i first looked at it, but then she began explaining it.. and then i was like.... wow, thats cool...Her and her friend got matching tattoos. She said it means
"Accept everything about yourself, You are you and that is the beginning and the end,no apologies, no regrets".. hmmm.. I personaly hate tattoos that dont mean anything, and have no purpose.. like i was talking to someone and they mentioned people tattooing their name on them.. why? whats the point? Do you forget sometimes and just need a reminder? to me, if youre putting something on your body for life.. it better mean something!

Live life.. No Regrets...

Time to start doing some world traveling?!

So.. Hanging out with the guys, I met this ethiopian girl... She walked in the room and i just stare at her.. didnt even realize it until someone snapped me out of it, and introduced us..A really cool person she was... But at the end of the night, i realized that... I need to go to Ethiopia! Its a beautiful enviroment, and obviously gorgeous females.. i dont think ive ever just stared at a girl like that before?? But its cool. and Amandie has agreed to go with me! Sounds like a plan to me!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And i wish we never did it....

Monday, August 2, 2010

What does this number mean to you?


What does this number mean to you? lol, probably nothing.... To me.. this number means "Son, pat yourself on the back.. you do what you do very well"

O thanks, i second that! I looked at that number, and had tho throw the humility out the window for a sec... ok ok... Im done, lol.

Vic Mensa- Too Hard, Directed by Davy Greenberg

Vic Mensa - Too Hard (Official Music Video HD) from Davy Greenberg on Vimeo.

Wanna bet?

My friends and I are super competitive. We compete and bet on everything. We probably couldnt go a whole day without making a bet, or with them fighting. We bet on everything. From who can get to the car the fastest, to who can get a girls number, to who will Menelik end up with(hahahhaha i win! Brandon.. take educated risk.. dont just go out on a limb... hahahahahahaha!).. But i guess boys will be boys. lol. Competition is a way of our life, its fun. And profitable... If youre

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wheres the good?!

People are so negative. Often times when recalling past events or past relationships or something like that, they always look at the bad parts like How much time that person didnt spend with them. Am i the only one that looks at the good first. Why can twe look at how much time that person DID spend with you, or how often they DID say they loved you. Look at the good times, dont forget the bad times, but dont let that be your focus. Focus ont he times you smiled, or laughed, or felt good about yourself.

Why complain...

I personally hate people that complain... its so irritating, they are always talking about what they dont have, or what they "need", or what can be done for their life to be better. What about the stuff that you DO have, appreciate those things. Some people can only dream of having the things that you have. IE a roof over your head, a car, a JOB. You can breathe without a machine. For the most part you are healthy! You can walk! There are countless people who cant say that they can do these things. And the crazy thing is.. often times, people complain, then they dont do anything about it!

You want to move, start looking, take a trip to the bank, to check out some loan options. Want a new car. do the same thing. Dont like your job? Go look for a new one, revise your resume... TAKE ACTION!!

Quote of the day...

"People will always tell you that they'll be there forever.
Then they'll leave as soon as they remember forever is too long."

A direct quote from my friend since kindergarten Greg Burton, AKA Dre Valentine...

When i read this.. i had to like it, tweet it, then make it the quote of the day. Its so true...
How many times have you been told.. "ill never leave you" I got your back for life, I wouldnt snake you.. then they fade away, leave you hanging, or snake you... For many people, the answer to this will be often. Probably more often than it should be.. Why do people make promises that they cant keep or say things that they dont mean.

Now i am quilty of making empty promises. But luckily, i dont do that anymore, if i say "i promise" nowadays, then my word is gold, and it is guaranteed. And ive never said that ill be thre for someone that i didnt plan on being there for. I dont want the responsibility. But when i have gone out on a limb and said "i got you" or "ill be there forever" then i mean it, and i dont say it to many, i got you, is a phrase that i use very loosely, but it is still pretty gold. but ill be there... ive only said that to 2 people, one person who just needed someone. and the other was my first love. Honestly, i dont know where her head is... But lets not speak on that...She is... hmmm.... Anywho... I meant it both times i said it, and they can take that to the bank, no matter what, im here for you all. I mean, im not here, but im here for you. B, you are a great person, under that whole little mask you wear for everyone. Jade... lately ive just been shaking my head when i think of you.. But its cool.

Moral of the story, dont make commitments you cant keep. Forever IS a long time, and a persons life is very valuable. Keep that in mind the next time.

Show me a good time!

I live for the nights that i cant remember... with the people that i wont forget.. spending all this money i just worked my ass off for.. doing things that i wont regret...

As this summer passes, i learn more and more about... Life. I am bombarded by so many thing some things that make me say "YES!" somethings that make me say "WTF Seriously" (usually those are the things no one could really be prepared for). But its ok.... Its always ok. Like Keynes said "Everything is ok, in the long run". So its kind of bogus now. but in the long run it wont matter. And when im with my team, it doesnt even matter.

Ok so GHB, you all are cool. You all spend way to much time preparing for what youre going to do, to the point where you all ar late for everything. But tis cool, because when im not driving the time wasting is usually pretty fun. Although you all have yet to beat my nights with my angels... I dont think you all can do that. Its not possible. The nights ive had with my angels have been absolutely priceless.. i wish i could put those on repeat. I get angry when i have ot go to sleep. But its cool. august 10th. the head comes back, and a full reunion will be in order. Me, Scar,Bj, Jenn, Amandie, And Stacy(which would actually be kind of awkward, but its either her or maria, and i cant deal with maria, so stacy it is!)

Man.. its almost over, lol. First Bj's gone, then Tarik, then me, then my angels... Ill have to come up to new york sometime. Its looking like vegas for winter break though, or spring break, one of the two. But yeah.. I think we'll all do fine. And like Scar said, "you know exactly who youll still be associating yourself with in the coming years" and i can honestly say that im looking forward to continue growing up with you all.

And looking back to the moment I met each of you, i would have never imagined that id be here today with you all. Its been a ride, but i enjoyed every second. Like...Brandon, when i first met you it was you super awkward, Dr. wyatt just forced us to exchange numbers, i thought you were fat and weird, lol.Now look at us. Tarik, i just thought you were ghetto, with a squeaky voice.But turns out.. youre much like me.. Except, youre hood at heart, and we all know this. Scar... like i said, ive had the biggest crush on this girl forever. Never expected us to get to this point... BUt... hey.. you never know whats in store for the future...O yeah, and i admire the fact that you can always shut a party down.. literally! I think the funniest time, was when you walked into my trunk party..You walk in, everyone stares, then departs, lol.How does it feel to be hated by everyone? (well thats in another post) But You should have come earlier! i was trying to get out of there! And the rest of you angels... Well Jenn, yuore cool. Mandie, youre the most low key asshole ever! I thought you were the nicest.. JOvana, youre still a retard, but its hilarious. Stacy, o it was fun sharing the kenwood rumors with you,As much as i would love to hang out with you... Ok no i dont. But one day never, ill share some very interesting news with you. Maria, when you and stacy are together.. I want to tape you both up, and throw you all in a closet or something. But yeah, youve still be inviolved in some pretty cool nights as well. so i cant hate you.

August 10th! See you all there!.. And GHB, ill do a seperate post for you all! I cant forget you guys. Brett,Kevin,Matt, Terrence, Jacob..Could probably throw ryan in there as well. I got you all.

Come closer.... Im ready for ya..

Another great song by Drake. This guy just doesnt quit. This version is sped up.. but even with the speed.. you get it.. haha