Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Youve been on my mind...

So after some thought within the past couple weeks. I realized that ive only really liked a few girls. in order.
1. Jade
2. Bridgette
3. KiKi

I guess you can throw scar in there at number 4 just for the heck of it. even though i know i didn't really like her. I more so liked the idea of her. But either way, with any of them. They all had their own qualities that had me hooked. Scarlett had the best looks. Bridgette had the best body( beautiful face too, and a great personality sometimes). KiKi.. she was a catch. she had a pretty nice body, she was cute. and her personality was impeccable. I dont think i can really say anything bad about her. She had a litte attitude problem sometimes, but i didnt really have an issue taming that. And jade... well you were..the smartest. Im sure everyone has heard enough about jade, and bridgette, probably Scarlett too. But i havent really talked much about KiKi. And she's been on my mind alot lately, crazy thing is.. i havent had a chance to contact her yet. Ill do it later today. What better way to spark a flame than with a good morning text. But right now..

But right now, im going to talk abotu KIKi, tell you a little about her. We met at a business camp. And actually Kevin liked her. And i was supposed to be putting him on. But while im trying to put him on, he's being an asshole. and im being the nice guy. And she ends up falling for me. Kevin went around claiming that i stole his girl for weeks. But thats my dude. and we ended up gettign passed it, and i put him on with her cousin's friend instead. That worked.

I honestly cant say anything bad about her right now. Shes super cool. And forgiving. I think she finally forgave me for not going to prom with her. If i could turn back the hands of time, you know i would go with you. We were talking on and off for quite some time actually. One of our lives would always get busy, to the point where we couldnt really keep in contact. But then we'd text each other, and immediately, we're right back where we left off. I really loved the fact that you never expected me to pay for anything. You never spent a dime when you were with me. But no matter what, when we got out that car. you made sure you had your wallet. and i dont know how many times I told you to leave your wallet in the car. or "put your money away".But you would always try to pay. I swear i loved that about you. Ive met girls, and been with girls that would order something, then step back. Like Its my duty to pay for their crap. I mean, im going to do it. But dont expect me to! at least ACT like youre going to pay for it. Actually Bridgette brought her money everywhere too. That was one really independent girl. It was cute though.

But back to KiKi...

She was just cool, we had so many laughs together. I remember the first time we went out together. I guess you could consider it a date. We did dinner and a movie. But everything was so simple. It took almost nothing to please her. I asked what she wanted to eat. instead of saying some far out place. She would say the simplest things! like our first "date" we went to Baccis. Thats what she wanted... a $5 slice of pizza? Works for me! and she was a vegetarian so she barely ate anything anyway. I dont even remember what movie we saw though. idk, we would go to the movies at least once a week. And she was an early bird! just like me. So we would be at the movies at like 11am, and be like the only people in the theater, lol. She was also the first girl i would go to the movies with her, and not lay a hand on her. Before her, i had a habit of letting my hands wonder. She was.. a sign of me maturing i think. For example, i went to see the dark knight twice... to this day ive yet to see the dark knight, lol.

Back to kiki...

I remember when we went to that John Legend concert together. that was a good day. We had fun. I remmeber.. it started raining. And the ground was dirty. So my suede jordans were getting super muddy. I looked down. and you knew what i was looking at, you lifted up my chin and told me to look at you, and dont look down... needless to say.. I never looked down again. You made me forget about my shoes! No other girl to this day has been able to do that.

haha, this one just popped in my head. I remmeber you had some performance to do. We were together that night before. And you texted me the morning of, and said that you wanted to come over and see me. I was like cool. So its like 9 30. You call me, and tell me that you're ready. So i get up, come to your school. and you never kept me waiting. Whenever you say youll be ready, that when you were ready. But anywho... You to the car, and it was a grouop of guys. D.A and his friends.. And they were sayign stuff to you while you were walking down the street. So i get out the car ( not to say anything to them, but to help you with your bags), so i grab your bags. and they like "damn, kiki all wifed up".. We both just laugh, because we werent together... but when when we got to the car, you pull me for a hug, and whisper in my ear "lets give them something to look at, and be mad".. lol, i liked your humor.

I was always like we were in a relationship, but we werent. My mother wanted us to get together. If i like a girl, and i think it could go somewhere. I take her home. when my mother is there. and let her size the girl up. She was usually right about everyon ethat walked through the door. She only liek 2 girls that i brought home. Kiki and scarlett. She loves scarlett, i thnk she liked her more than she like me. And she liked how kiki and i connected. She said that jade was no good. but had to like me becasue she was the only girl to come over everyday and just sit in my room. (was she right?) and Bridgette was really pretty and obviously liked me.but it was something about her that didnt sit right with her, she felt like she had another motive to be with me. I'm still not satisfied with how her and i ended. And eventually im going to fix it. Just waiting for the right time.

Back to kiki(how many times have i said that)

I remember that after we got home, when i picked you up from that performance. You walked in the house, said hi to my mom. Came in my room, hopped on the bed. Leaned back on a pillow. I popped in a movie. And went to go to talk to my mom. I come back maybe 10 minutes later... and youre knocked out! But you looked so peaceful.. I couldnt wake you up. So i just sat beside you, and watched the movie. That was actually cool with me.. until my mom walked in at like 1. and was like, "dont you think she should be sleeping on her own bed".. Which is code for. Get up and take her home. You were the only girl out of the top 3 that i didnt mind coming with you to hang out with your friends. And i didnt mind bringing you to hang out with my friends. My friends liked you. i cant blame them. Come to think about it. Let me change the order of that list.

Unfortunately, jade has to stay at number 1 because she was my first love. But you get moved up to number 2. and Bridgette drops to 3. Scar not going to be on the list because, well it wouldn't be right.

But im definately going to text you kiki, in a few hours when i get back up.


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